A full walk through of the New Lumix G9
/Are you looking for questions about the new Panasonic Lumix G9? I have put together some videos and pictures from my first testings with this camera.
On January 25th, Panasonic started to deliver the new G9 to their dealers across North America. Many people either pre ordered this camera or rushed right out to the stores to get it. To be honest if you are a Lumix shooter and you don't have this camera you are missing out! The G9 comes with a 20.3 MP sensor, it also has a new feature called high resolution mode where you can produce 80 MP images in both JPEG and RAW. Another great feature with this camera is the 5 axis in body stabilization. This feature allows the use of lower shutter speeds in hand held conditions.
One of the most noticeable features I found with this camera was the incredible fast auto focus. This new system seriously blows all the previous models out of the water. I tried it with many lenses in different situations. My lens list includes 200mm f2.8, 100-400mm f4-6.3, 35-100mm f2.8 and the 12mm f1.4.
Other notable features are the 4k and 6k photo options. You can shoot 4k, 8mp images at 60 frames per second. Or you can switch to 6k, 18mp images at 30 frames per second. This feature offers incredible fast shutter speeds with a new super fast and accurate AF system.
For my first video lets take a walk through with the new button placements and features of this camera.
One feature that Lumix has used in the G series cameras is Post Focus. This is their macro feature that completely eliminates so much time compared to macro shooting with a conventional DSLR. It not only allows you to pick your focus point after the image was taken, but also gives you the option to create a focus stack in camera. Check out this video to see just how easy this feature is shooting 6K, 18mp images.
This is a new feature for Lumix and it should be classified as one of the best features on the camera. High Resolution mode is a feature that blends multiple images inside the camera to make you a monster JPEG or RAW image. If you are shooting in 4:3 aspect ratio you can achieve a 80.5mp image at 10368x7776. Or if you are shooting in 3:2 aspect ratio you can achieve a 71.5mp image at 10368x6912. These are massive files for a camera that only weighs 1.5 pounds with a battery and two SD cards.
Lets take a look at this next video that shows just how easy it is to set up the camera to shoot in high resolution mode. As a note this is a feature you can turn on and off, so you don't always have to shoot large images if you don't want to.
The last video that I have to share is one that I took in 4K video with the new G9. This short walk around video shows that you can put a great video together with this camera. We had a beautiful blue sky day for our current grey winter this year, we also found a little owl on our hike.
Take a look at this handheld video that was nothing but a fun idea to do on a hike.
I wish the wildlife was more active during the time I tested out the new G9 but I made the best with what I could find. I have found in the past a good subject to photograph is my dog. I have likely taken 20000 images of him so I know just how hard he is to photograph. Have you ever photographed a black dog or bear and have properly exposed images? Almost impossible right?? Not to mention photographing a black subject challenges the most expensive camera on the market searching for that proper focus. Well let me tell you this camera blew me away with how well the AF handled. I would have the dog running right at me full tilt and I was locking in the AF for a ratio of 8 out of 10 keeper frames. This is super impressive and made me realize this camera is as good if not better then some Canon and Nikon DSLR's that I have shot with in the past.
Take a moment to check out some of my images below.

If you watched all the videos and checked out all the images I took thank you for your time. If you didn't you should go back to the top of the blog and start over again 😜
I want to sum up that this by far is the best mirrorless camera that I have shot with. It smokes Sony, Olympus and Fuji and if people don't believe me, pick up this camera and try it out yourself. When I started with Lumix as a Canadian Storyteller 2 years ago I mentioned some of the features I would like to see in the future. It's almost like they took that list and addressed every single concern I had!
I have been reading articles and blogs talking about the day the DSLR dies. All I can say is this camera is a DSLR hidden in a mirrorless camera body. So yes I can see models like this and future models taking over the market eventually.
Thank you for reading and watching the videos in todays blog.
Since writing this blog I have wrote another on travel with the G9 for two weeks in Yukon photographing Northern Lights, wildlife and landscapes. https://www.northof49photography.com/blog/2018/10/21/full-test-of-the-lumix-g9
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