Speaking Events

I have travelled across Canada speaking to private photography clubs, camera store clients, schools and meet up groups. I speak for my own company North of 49 Photography and also on behalf of Panasonic/Lumix as a storyteller. My events to your group has many different approaches, I like to inform and teach people about Canada and travelling, where to go to get the shots, how I get my images. I get on a personal level to let my passion for photography and my home county Canada bleed out to your clients. Please see the three different subjects I offer to your clients below.  

Look Across Canada with Panasonic Lumix with Chris Pepper

A Look Across Canada shooting Lumix

A look across Canada shooting Lumix is all about my travels carrying a Lumix camera. People seem to underestimate Panasonic/Lumix in the pro camera world and I'm ready to show you it can be a leader. Check out the learn more button below for more information.

Look Across Canada Chris Pepper Speaking enguagement

A Look Across Canada

A look across Canada is all about the me in the big country of Canada. I'm going to show you where I get my shots, teach you stuff you never knew about Canada and how I get to my locations. Check out the learn more button for more information. 

Coastal Canada speaking engagement with Chris Pepper

The Beauty of Coastal Canada

The Beauty of Coastal Canada is exactly what it sounds like. I take you on a journey of our coastal regions and teach you about how and where to get the shots. The time of the year to do it. As well what settings and gear you need to get images like mine. Check out the learn more button below.