How Lumix has helped my photography

How Lumix has helped my photography.

Lumix the look flipping rocks G85 .jpg

Grizzly bear in BC

Over the years Lumix has been a great addition to my camera bag. With each new model release the products have been more impressive then the last. Not only do they stand behind their product but they listen to what people want in a camera. Recent camera releases are the new G9 and the GH5S. Both cameras offer industry leading technology that offer a superior product for both video work and the photographer in mind. 

Recent models I have had in my camera bag are the GH5 and the G85. Both of these models are great for video and photography. The GH5 is more a camera for video but I would not disregard it as a regular camera. I don't often have the chance to sit down with a camera and figure everything out before hitting the field. It usually shows up and I'm off to put it through its paces as soon as I get off the plane. You may ask how I can just take a camera without setting it up and just go shoot. Well I do set it up but that takes less then ten minutes for me to do. The menu in Lumix cameras are all the same, everything is in the exact same place and I love that about them. Some of the mode dials or other external buttons may move but that takes a few seconds to get use to. Specially when each new model I go to adjust something and the button has moved, I look and its exactly where I would want it to be. Its like they listen to my thoughts when I'm out in the field 😀 lets talk about the two models in my bag right now. 


Lumix G85

The G85 has been in my bag for quite a while now. I did an international marketing campaign for the release of this camera and loved it since the moment it touched my hands. The best improvement to this body was the new 5 axis in body stabilization. I have been able to take many photos at lower shutter speeds then I could using a dslr. I have extensively field tested this camera in many different shooting conditions. Spending my first ten days with this camera in coastal BC put the shutter through its paces. From rocking swells on boats to downpour rain this camera has never let me down. Do you think Lumix stands up to DSLR quality? You be the judge and take a look at some photos that have impressed me. 

This camera has almost eliminated the need to take a tripod with me when I travel. If it was not for the fact that I like to do long exposures or time lapse footage I would not need one. The weight of this product allows me to hand hold my gear all day long and not feel like my shoulder is going to fall off at the end of the day. To give you an example of weigh comparisons my laptop bag has now turned into my camera and laptop bag. I have a G85, GH5, 12mm, 12-35, 35-100, 100-400 and a Mac book pro and it equals the same weight as the Nikon D500 with a battery grip and the 200-500. Just over 7 pounds of gear and I cover a focal range of 12mm to 400mm and I have spare camera with me. This light gear packs a punch in its dynamic range and image quality. I drive around in the Yukon with the G85 and the 35-100 on my camera sitting in the centre console. Take a look at some of the road side images this set up has allowed me to take having this set up so accessible.  

Lumix has made these images possible by it's new in body stabilization. Taking photography to the next level this system allows low shutter speeds in hand held situations. Can you imagine what this camera is like with a lens that already has stabilization? Panasonic has made a video to show exactly how this stabilization system works. 

The second camera in my bag last year is the GH5, this camera is a beast for video work and great for regular photography. 


Lumix  GH5 

This camera is a new addition to my bag. The first thing I did when I picked this camera up was hop on a boat and photograph humpback whales. The light was great and I was ready to push this camera to the max and so I did. Here is an image of a humpback whale doing a deep dive to catch some fish. 

Panasonic whale tail GH5.jpg

I was super impressed with this camera and I wanted to go right back out on the water with it again. So we ended up doing another whale watching tour but further north on the island. Once we were out on the water we come around a point and we noticed this huge iceberg way out in the ocean. The sea was rough and the captain asked if we wanted to go out and see it, it was a unanimous decision that we all wanted to get wet and take a closer look at this 10000 year old piece of ice. We were in some huge chop and it was hard to stand up in a zodiac and keep your footing. All I could think was, stabilization on, camera in hand, I'm ready!! This was the shot I took.

GH5 Iceberg Chris Pepper Lumix storyteller

I ended up falling in love with the quality of my images as soon as I uploaded them. It was only fair that the following morning we go straight out to photograph some wildlife. Birds were our target and we sure found them!

Since I started shooting with Lumix I have really gotten into time lapse photography. I find if you have other things you can be doing why not let the camera take some pictures for you right? Here is a video that was taken with mix of Lumix cameras and lenses.  

I hope you have enjoyed todays blog. I'm currently working on some new video work and images I have taken with the G9 over the past month. I hope to have that out in the next week or two. 


If you wish to join Chris to learn some time-lapse photography please check out this link