PACIFIC NORTHWEST wildlife Tour 2022
North of 49 Photography has offered various bear and whale photography workshops in British Columbia for the past six years. We know from experience some of the best locations for capturing both exceptional wildlife and pristine landscapes images. The backdrops of our locations showcases what I feel the Pacific Northwest means to my heart. Year after year I chuckle to myself when clients say “I want to move here” as I always think so do I. 😉
Due to the unfortunate circumstances, of a few people visiting our website and copying our past itineraries we will not be disclosing exact locations we will be visiting on this tour. We truly have some of the best captains and guides in our line up. They have experience in placing us in opportune locations, with the photographer in mind. This can really make a big difference in the types of images that you come home with. Most general tour companies do not cater to photographers. They do not consider things that us as photographers look for; lighting, composition, and how to set up in the optimum direction for our target species.

Included: Accommodation, transportation, listed excursions, all listed meals, snacks and water during the day.
Not Included: Airfare, any meals not listed, items of personal nature, gratuities, laundry, travel insurance, anything not listed as included.
Instructors: Chris Pepper
Deposit: $2000 deposit secures your place on this workshop.
Max Participants: Five Guests
Workshop Start Date: July 30th, 2022
Skill level required: Basic knowledge of camera settings.
Lens length required: 400mm+ will give you more than enough, a landscape lens if you wish to take landscape images.
Physical fitness level required: You must be able to get in and out of boats, walk on uneven terrain and possible steep ramps, no extensive hiking is required.
For this tour we are offering three options:
Option 1: Six Days - July 30, 2022 to August 4, 2022 Price: $7,790 CAD + HST
Option 2 : Eight Days - July 30, 2022 to August 6, 2022 Price: $9,495 CAD + HST
Option 3: Thirteen Days - July 30, 2022 to August 11, 2022 Price: $13,890 CAD + HST
Day One
Target Species: Black Bear + Eagles
Dinner included.
We will meet in the North of Vancouver Island. Options will be to fly in on the 31st (Airport Location Available Upon Request) or drive up with myself from Vancouver International Airport, departing the morning of the 30th. Food and lodging for the extra day will be an additional cost of $225CAD.
Once everyone has arrived, and had a quick moment to freshen up. We will do an introduction to the workshop, discuss our events and plans for the week ahead. Your safety is paramount to us, so will also go over the safety guidelines and rules for this workshop.
We will finalize any gear issues or questions. Have something to eat and then get out there to photograph some wildlife.
Target Species: Black Bears + Grizzlies + Eagles + other(s)
Breakfast + lunch included.
We will spend the first two days of our trip photographing Black bears and Grizzlies. Our timing of this workshop, is perfect to target mama bears and cubs. Moms will be getting very tired of dealing with and nursing their little hooligans. Her job at this time of the year is to find tasty treats for her little ones. Such as, lush berry bushes, low tide snacks under rocks, and whatever else she can find to fill their tummies. That is until the salmon run comes in. Most of the larger male bears will be in the area, so keeping her cubs out of sight and safe will be her main concern. Sub adult bears will also be scattered around the main area of feeding. They have recently, become independent and are now on their own. These bears are not a threat to the mom and cubs, and therefore are welcome to eat around the grounds with them. As long as, they stay out of their way and behave themselves.
Check out the gallery below of some of the bears we have seen in the area. Most likely, we will see these bears or descendants of them as they imprint on these hunting grounds. After all, it is what their mom has taught them as a young cub.

Day four + Five
Target Species: Otters + Eagles + Grey Seals
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included
A short drive in the morning, will get us out nice and early to see some of our magnificent stars today. Fill up your tea or coffee, sit back and enjoy the beautiful boat ride out to the otters (approx. 20 min). At this time of the day, it is just us and the otters, which makes this experience so much more special. Hopefully, we will be able to locate a raft for your very first sighting. Seeing the otters, with linked arms or holding hands is truly a sight to behold. There is safety in large numbers, so they all stay close throughout the night for a feeling of security. After they split up, they can be in small clusters or larger groups. Some groups in the past have consisted of seventy or more otters at a time. Here you will witness preening, eating, play time, the special loving bond between mom and pup, and of course the odd one catching a nap wrapped up in sea kelp.
There are small islands scattered along the fiords, that are home to quite a few Bald Eagle nests. It is here, we will watch the Eagles smash bait balls that get drummed up from small birds or perhaps watch them pick off black bass along the kelp beds. It is at this time of the year, that Bald Eagles will be super active. As, they have a nest full of youngsters demanding food continuously, because they are getting ready to fledge. Often, you can see the parents out fishing and all you can hear, are the young screaming from the nests to their parents saying they are hungry.
Each day we will stop in a small quaint inlet and dock. We will have a special BBQ lunch, created for us. Consisting of fresh salmon or a different protein if requested, an assortment of veggies, snacks, and drinks will be provided.
Afternoon winds create a shift in the waters, and the otters move around to different areas. Here we will have opportunities to photograph the otters in a different environment, with different tide conditions..
Check out our galleries below of some of the images we have taken of Otters and Eagles during this experience.

Day Six
Target Species: Orca + Humpbacks + Other(s)
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included.
Today we will be waking up to go whale watching! Cruising by boat, along the islands is such a beautiful experience. Such a magnificent location in British Columbia. It is in this beautiful setting, that is also the best feeding grounds for whales. The majestic Northern resident Orcas call this place home.
***You have two options for today: Option 1: you can start your journey home after our whale tour. OR Option 2: you can join us for the extension down south, with lots more wildlife and beautiful landscapes. Your call 😉
Day Six - Extension Evening outing
Tonight we are looking for some beautiful lighting, as we head out to look for Pacific White sided dolphins. Along the way, to and from we will keep our eyes peeled for whales and wildlife.
Day Seven
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included.
Today will be a more relaxed day, first of all you get to sleep in a little bit. Around noon, we will be heading south to our next accommodations where you can kick back and enjoy the scenic view of the strait and mountains in the background. If you think those mountains are picturesque you just wait, and see what we have planned for this evening. 😬 Time to enjoy a little bit of air time. 🤙 We are off to enjoy the scenic views by helicopter around the pristine and majestic snow capped mountains. These are the kind of images nobody will be able to duplicate. We will be landing in a secret spot and have it all to ourselves for forty-five minutes of shoot time!! Remember you only live once, no point living in fear or you will miss so much of this beautiful world! 🤔
After our amazing adventure, we will head back into town and enjoy a nice meal harbour side. I am sure there will much conversation over how epic our earlier flight truly was!
Day Eight
Target Species: Humpbacks + Orca + Other(s)
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included.
Today is a full day tour, looking for wildlife and whales. The area we are headed to is well known for Humpback activity. Usually, you can count on seeing five to ten whales on a good day. Since their food source is so plentiful here, we will get wonderful action shots. Some activity we can spot, are breaches and tail lobs. Transient orcas also frequent these shores, looking for harbour seal and other treats.
We will stop for a nice lunch on one of the islands and have a bathroom stop. Many of these islands have hummingbird feeders out at the rest stops. So, get your shutters ready! With such amazing numbers, and a flourish of constant speedy feeding. You are bound to get some wonderful shots of these vibrant birds. Some years, I hold my sandwich in one hand and shoot with the other, for the whole lunch period. 😜
After lunch, we will return to the water and photograph sea lions, eagles and whatever else we can find along the shores.
Dinner to follow once we return.
For those that are departing: flight out to Vancouver this evening.
Day Nine - Extension
Target Species: Humpbacks + Orca + Black Bear + Other(s)
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included.
Today is a full day
Once again, we will hitting the water on the look out for Humpback whales and Northern Resident Orca whales. This time of the year, is truly wonderful for whale activity. The males tend to be quite active, as they put on many displays to impress the woman with their powerful breaches and tail lobs.
We will head into the inlets, searching for black bear along the shore at low tide. Here they will be foraging for crustaceans and small fish amongst the rocks. We must be very quite, so that we can get nice and close. Especially, for those keeper shots as they raise their heads and sniff the air in our direction. Black bear tend to have very poor eye sight, so to be on the water is a special treat to get those close up images.
Afternoon, we are off to Tofino. This is one of my all time favourite drives on the island! It is so scenic and picturesque, with lots to see and stop to photograph. We might just include a stop at Tim Hortons on the way. 😉

Day Ten
Target Species: Black Bear + Bald Eagle + Stellar Sea Lions + Sea Otters + Other(s)
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included.
Today we will have our own private charter. A private boat with an enclosure, restroom, that holds twelve passengers comfortably. So, as a group of five we will have lots of room to spread out and shoot.
Because so much of this location on the coast is uninhabited and accessible only by boat or floatplane……it remains a pristine wilderness. This rich and nutrient filled ocean is loaded with a variety of marine wildlife including many different species of whales as well as harbour seals and sea lions, sea otters, porpoises and a myriad of birdlife including puffins, blue herons and bald eagles.
Black Bear Tour- In the morning, we will head out looking for bears along the beautiful calm inlets of the clayoquot sound. These resident bears come down to the beaches at low tide to forage for such beach delicacies as rock crab, starfish and even a bit of kelp. They are an absolute pleasure to watch from the boat and thanks to their poor eyesight they are usually unaware of our presence so long as we keep quiet and a respectable distance up wind.
You will also have opportunities on this tour to view eagles along the tree tops and moors, harbour porpoises, seals, blue herons and other species of wildlife!
After our morning shoot we will have a nice lunch in a calm inlet while we enjoy the pristine mountain views.
Sea Mammals + Sea Otters Tour- In past years, we have spent the other half the day looking for whales, but I would like to change things up a bit. The open ocean on the west coast can be prone to swell, even on the calmest of days. Although, nobody has ever been sick on my past tours I find we will avoid this area from now on. We will keep to the calm inlets of this location. To look for charismatic sea otters. Shots could include, mom and baby tender moments, possibly a raft of sea otters all linked arm to arm, and others wrapped up in the kelp beds napping the day away.
Our other target species on this tour, will be Steller Sea lions. This area holds some of the largest colony’s along the west coast of Canada. Here we will be sure to sit back and watch the show unravel before our eyes. Many will hop in the water and do small flips out of the water in front us, as if to put on a personal circus act. Why is one so big you ask? Thats the male and all the others are his females and babies. Yes one big male owns the key to all their hearts.
After, we will return to our rooms to set our cameras down and enjoy a bit of R&R. Here we can enjoy the scenic views from our lodging, download images or take a nap if you wish. We will head out as a group and sit down for a nice dinner at one of the local restaurants within walking distance of our lodging.
For those that wish, we can head out to one of the many secluded beaches along the island and photograph the sun setting along the wild shoreline of wind swept trees and crashing waves.
Day Eleven
Target Species: Transient + Southern Resident Orcas
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included.
The one stop we will make is at Cathedral Grove. Located in MacMillan Provincial Park, is one of the most accessible stands of giant Douglas fir trees on Vancouver Island. Here, the group can stroll through a network of trails under the shadow of these towering ancient trees, majestic pillars untouched by the modern world – some more than 800 years old.
Here we will stay in a nice cottage along the bay as the ambience to relax and enjoy the view is quite relaxing. We will have a light lunch before we plan to depart for our 5pm tour looking for Transient and Southern Resident orcas. This tour will allow us to hopefully capture some of the best light for whales on this trip. For many years we have been rewarded with golden light that has offered us many keeper images for clients portfolios. Hopefully we can find some active whales that spyhop, breach and do such rolling flip antics that is sure to put a smile on your face.
Dinner at a local restaurant along the docks.
Day Twelve
Target Species: Transient + Southern Resident Orcas
Breakfast + lunch + dinner included.
This is an amazing opportunity to photograph the orca pods in the soft morning light. Our morning four hour whale tour will focus on the Southern Resident Orca Whales, Transient Orca Whales, Humpback Whales, Grey Whales and Minke Whales.
But that will not be the only wildlife you will see. Keep your eyes open for Sea Lions, Bald Eagles, Harbour Seals, Dalls and Harbour Porpoise as well as a myriad of marine birds on your whale watching eco tour.
After our first tour, you will have some time to wander the quaint town to buy some souvenirs or relax on our patio before we head back out later that day for one more chance to get the shots.
This will be your last opportunity to photograph the orca pods in the golden evening light. Our evening four hour whale tour will once again focus on the Southern Resident Orca Whales, Transient Orca Whales, Humpback Whales, Grey Whales and Minke Whales. But, once again keep your eyes peeled in this wildlife rich environment.
Day Thirteen
Breakfast included.
Today we wake and depart for the ferry terminal for a late morning sailing back to Vancouver. Today’s ferry ride is to Vancouver out of a different port in Victoria.
You will be dropped off at the Vancouver airport between 3pm and 4pm.
Are you ready to join us on this epic adventure in the Pacific Northwest? Lets make a wildlife dream a reality, you will come home with not only great images, but more knowledge then you ever imagined about the species we photograph!
Click the button below to sign up now!
Client images from past years