Kevin K Pepper K1.jpg


Kevin K. Pepper is a self-taught, self-motivated photographer with an appetite to share his experience and knowledge with enthusiasts who seek that incredible photograph. 

Kevin primarily photographs outdoors, focusing on nature, landscapes and lifestyles. He operates from two locations: his residence in Kitchener, Ontario; and his preferred escape deep in the County of Haliburton, located in northern Ontario.

Kevin likes to share his zest for life through the lens of a camera, searching for back-drops of landscape and nature around the globe. He is passionate about sharing those experiences with photographers who seek the same destination. You are encouraged and welcome to please join Kevin on his many journeys.

Kevin is certified in Standard First Aid, CPR C and AED


Jessica Brown Across the Blue Planet

Across the Blue Planet

Nobody has helped our company as much as Across the Blue Planet. Her dedication to help forge new relationships with contacts has allowed us to move forward in a much faster manner then before. In her spare time she scouts new workshops and business ventures for N49. A big mention that she designed and helps so much with the new site we are currently using.

When J.Brown is not helping N49 she is traveling or writing for her own company. Across The Blue Planet is a published writer in the photography and travel industry. To see more of here work please click on the Learn More link.